Monday, March 22, 2010


YEAH,,probly hears dat word RIP,,dat a key for freedom of owl painful,,sadness,,n evry problem,,de Rest In Peace,,bt othrs dont really rest in peace cz mybe they got killed or being involved in accident,,for me de question bout death in de highest 1 hand,,He cn deside who he cn take,,,if there is a form dat cn be filled sow de person cn be taken awy,,i will fill dat form,,,i fell sow empty,,i dont know wat should i do,,yes,,i hve my fmily bt,,i cnt stand de pain,,,it wont be a easy life wen living wit defect heart,,i dont meant dat i dont appreciate life,,life is sow wonderful,,i thanx God 4 dat,,bt i dont hve any will anymore,,i dont need mercy from others,jz u God,,wen i love,,i dont played wit dat word,,wen de word i love u come from my mouth,,i wnt it 2 last forever,,,i really meant dat,,2 my mom,,my love 2 u,,nvr die,,2 my dad,,my love 2 u,,mybe lke de cndle light,,2 my sis n bro n kazen,,i love u all 4 ur owl great care n love,,n for u,,the prson dat i wnt lv,,my love nver stop flowing from my heart,,,t.b.c,,,